The Thorn. The Passion.
Last night my family and I attended a performace of The Thorn. It's just like the movie Passion of the Christ but in a live theatrical performance.
I'm a Christian. I'll say it again. I'm a Christian! I'm proud to be one. I'm proud to say that I love God and I love Jesus. In the past I didn't say it loud and proud. I have friends who are not Christian and I always felt almost embarrassed to say that with pride around them. Shame on me. It's time for me to own who I am and what I believe in.
When I'm plugged into my spiritual life and I allow it to shape my days and carry me through the hours I'm a MUCH happier person. I feel alive and loved and comfortable. It's when I stray from God's path and stray from his love and his gifts that I feel sad and almost depressed in a way. I'm finally recognizing that about myself.
I needed that show last night. The production was incredible! Very dramatic...very real. It was just what my heart and my soul needed.
The pastor spoke before the last scene. He prayed with us. He spoke to us. His message climbed it's way clear into my heart. I felt God's love in that building last night and it brought me to tears. I feel humbled today. I can't explain how I feel but it's a humbling sensation and I'm enjoying it.
I feel like my life is changing this week in unimaginable ways. My life is clicking into place. My path is aligned and I can see it. I'm helping my husband align himself with his path. That is a bigger challenge but we'll get there.
My girls are amazing. Our oldest daughter got a piece of mail yesterday from her youth group at our current church that asked for volunteers to help clean yards and houses of the less fortunate in our community. With passion and enthusiasm she asked if she could volunteer. Then our 2nd oldest daughter came over and begged to be able to help too! I feel honored to call them my children. They make me soar with happiness every day. They radiate God's love and they always want to help others. I just love their kind spirits.
I feel very blessed today. Humbled...loved...alive...blessed...passionate. *sigh*
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